Sit back and concentrate on your heartbeat and breathing. Imagine a ball of blue light in front of your nose and breathe it in and exhale all the fears Concerns and imbalances.
Exhale all the negative energy fears and everything That you do not need in your body. Breathe in the blue light and fill your whole body In blue light from the toes to the vertex. Be wrapped in blue light inside and out.
Now you will see that from above comes turquoise energy. It is an energy of compassion.
You will see that compassion envelops you inside and out. You feel the softness of the energy This is the love and compassion in every organ of your body.
You will now see that a column of turquoise light has been created that continues from your vertex upwards And you ascend within it upwards.
More and more higher ... You continue to ascend and now you will see that you are expanding this pillar of light and the whole environment And the pillar of light contains the whole environment all the policemen and everyone in the area and all the houses And the apartments around.
You will see that the energy of compassion spreads and envelops all of Jerusalem. The entire city of Jerusalem is shrouded in the energy of compassion. See it happen.
You will see that everything around is calm and peaceful no brawling no anger and no hard energy.
Everything is calm and peaceful full of love and compassion. You will see that the protesters hand out flowers to the policemen and the policemen receive the flowers and smile.
You will see that the police remove all the checkpoints and allow the procession of protesters to pass.
The police evacuate all their cars and clear the roads for the protesters.
The demonstrators continue to flow when the road is open and they flow into the Knesset area and hold there assembly.
The assembly is conducted in a good spirit with a lot of love and compassion.
Look at this coming true in practice. Send the cosmic love and compassion to the Knesset and the Knesset members and you will see that the energy of compassion enters Into the ground beneath the Knesset and spreads light. You will see that a column of turquoise light is formed above the Knesset. This pillar of light is constantly fed from above in more and more and more light and the light is illuminated.
You will see that the procession goes to the President's house and also there everyone sends a turquoise light and creates The pillar of light above the President's house into the ground.
Now you will see that the procession continues to Balfour street to the Prime Minister's House. And here, too, everyone is sending light Of compassion for the Prime Minister's House and you will see that a pillar of light has been created above the Prime Minister's House And the pillar of light penetrates into the earth and creates upwards a pillar of light which rises upwards and upwards.
Now imagine that the three pillars of light merge together to form one large and wide column of light.
Now imagine that this pillar of light in turquoise expands more and more and contains more and more places and cities and regions.
Until it contains the entire State of Israel and all human beings in a turquoise pillar of light.
Now you will see that the pillar of light continues to expand throughout the Middle East and envelops it in turquoise light. From the center of the earth to the heart of God is the central sun. And the pillar of light expands more and more and contains All of Europe all the people and all the places. The pillar of light continues to expand and contains all of Asia. A pillar continues to expand and contains all of Africa. The Pillar of Light contains the America Austria New Zealand The pillar of light contains the whole earth within it. The earth rises inside the turquoise pillar of light. The turquoise light penetrates each and every human being on earth.
The energy penetrates into the earth and changes its frequency. You will see that the water changes and becomes living water Reversible water coming out of the rock. You will see that the soil becomes good and yielding. Look at the trees and plants Growing and blooming. You will see that all of humanity and the whole earth are making a difference. The more you see it the faster it will come true. The more you connect to the energy of compassion it is Be a part of who you are. And you will act out of an energy of compassion, love and giving.
And so it is
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Golden Age Tikva Avraham
The Center for Healing and Achieving Goals