We are with you the light beings, the cherub angels. the masters and light beings from all the galaxies are here in droves. Aim each and every one of you towards the light.
Close your eyes and concentrate on your heartbeat and breathing. Imagine a white ball above your head, put it inside and fill your whole body with white light.
You will see that a turquoise ray of light enters the crown chakra and fills you with a turquoise light of compassion.
You will feel someone pulling you upwards from the crown and you will ascend. Climb More and more higher. You will see that around you there are other beings full of compassion and together you create a very large and powerful energy circle.
You will see that from above comes more turquoise energy and fills this circle with turquoise energy.
Now you will see that out of the circle and out of the turquoise-formed sphere, rays are sent into the earth into the seven centers of energy, the seven gates on the earth.
One ray is sent to the Temple Mount filling it with the energy of compassion and the whole area around. Another beam is sent to the Great Pyramid in Egypt into the earth. And fills the whole area with the energy of compassion. The third beam is sent to the Kaaba stone in Saudi Arabia and fills it and the earth with turquoise energy and also the whole environment.
Another beam sent to Mount Everest fills it and the earth with turquoise energy and the whole environment. Another beam is sent to Stoneage in the UK and the energy enters the ground and covers the entire environment with turquoise energy. Another ray is sent to the Rocky Mountains in America and fills the earth with turquoise. Another beam is sent to the Andes Mmountains and enters the earth. You will see that inside the earth the energy merges and connects together and a turquoise energy of compassion envelops the earth inside and out.
The energy goes into the earth, into the roots, into the human beings into the ocean waters and everywhere. Now you will imagine the change that has taken place, the love in the eyes of the people, the sharing, the harmony, the mutual help, you will imagine in your mind the new world that has been created. The more you imagine it the more it will become a truth and you will live it in your daily life.
Now slowly open your eyes and look around you, has anything changed in the way you see the world, what is happening to you inside the body, live the calm and serenity you have reached and be.
Say to yourself: I am present.
And so it is
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Golden Age Tikva Avraham -
The Center for Healing and Achieving Goals