You will feel that as you go higher the energy becomes clearer, more pleasant, softer, more airy and you go up even higher.
As you continue to ascend you no longer feel your body because your body has become an energy of compassion. Your body has merged with this frequency of compassion. Because you are light. You are energy, you are love.
And when you are light you are compassionate. You are spreading the energy of compassion everywhere. And so you change your world. The frequency of compassion is so high and powerful that it can penetrate anywhere and anyone. From where you have come you will spread the energy of compassion to the earth to the earth for animals to objects and to humans. You do not have to do anything but just tune in and direct the energy of compassion. You do not need to know who received and who did not, to whom you send and to whom not, to whom it deserves and who does not, you just send. Whoever is open will receive. Whoever is willing to open up to open the heart and receive the energy of compassion into it and make a very deep inner change, and whoever is not open to the energy of compassion will move aside from it because the energy does not force anyone to do anything. It's all your choice, the choice of each and every one of you.
Therefore people with an open heart are usually spiritual people and receive the energy of compassion that you send will connect to it and ascend and then they too will be able to help others and so the circle will grow. Remember that war cannot be fought.
When you fight, you only lose, and when you love, you only win. Look at the earth wrapped in the energy of turquoise compassion.
Look at the people compassionately wrapped in the animals and the earth and the water the air the objects and everything there is wrapped in the energy of compassion.
Remember you are compassionate.
Remember this every step you take and wherever you go.
Spread the energy everywhere and be compassionate and then your world will change.
This is our message to you today
And so it is.
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Golden Age Tikva Avraham
The Center for Healing and Achieving Goals